"From Therapist to Coach:
How To Get All Your Questions Answered
About Making the Transition to this
Exciting New Profession

~~ And Save Yourself A Lot Of Money
And Time In The Process!"

Are you thinking of becoming a coach or adding coaching to your therapy practice? Learn how to sort through the maze of information on training programs, certification and the business of coaching with this resource guide.

Sue Bond, B.Sc.
Juliet Austin, M.A. Couns. Psych.
Vancouver, B.C.

Dear colleague,

Are you curious or intrigued about the profession of coaching?

Are you feeling burned out with your therapy practice? Are you tired of traveling to your office? Do you want to work with healthier clients?

Are you happy being a therapist but want to add something new to your practice? Have you considered becoming a coach but are concerned about the effort involved in building a new business?

Imagine taking the skills you have now as a therapist and applying them towards a career where you can... create the lifestyle you desire... work from home or anywhere in the world accessible by phone... have healthier clients... help others get what they want in their lives... and increase your income at the same time!

Does this sound ideal?

These are some of the main reasons an increasing number of therapists are becoming coaches. Coaching is one of the world's fastest growing professions with an estimated 30,000+ coaches worldwide. Career and life coaching for Baby Boomers was included as one of the 27 hottest ideas for 2007at Entrepreneur.com.

Sounds Great….Is It Possible To Make a Living as a Coach?

This is one of the most frequent questions asked by prospective coaches. Two separate surveys conducted in 2003 revealed that 9% of coaches were earning $100,000 or more per year. Some coaches make a six-figure income from coaching and related products and services while others coach on a part-time basis to supplement their income.

Before Reading Any Further...

If you're thinking about adding coaching to your therapy practice, we strongly urge you to subscribe and receive:

  • "Becoming a Coach" checklist
  • "Is Coaching the Right Career For You?" quiz
  • Preview Chapter from the "How to Become a Coach" eBook
    Chapter 9: How Coaches make Money
  • the monthly Coaching Updates ezine.

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But As a Therapist, I'm Already Doing Coaching…

Professionals trained in psychology and psychotherapy have skills that other coaches may not have at first. For example, therapists are already skilled at listening, supporting, encouraging and facilitating change as well as training in human development.

However, coaching is a distinct profession and it is not concerned with healing or dealing with people who "need" help. Therapists will have to unlearn and modify some of their therapy skills, as well as learn new ones. They will also have to make a shift in their orientation towards the client and how they see themselves in relation to them.

We'll Show You How and Where you Can Find the Answers
to Your Questions About Coaching

In 1999, Juliet was where you are now.

"After working in the field of family violence as a therapist, researcher and educator for 20 years I was burned out. I wanted to focus on the positive aspects of peoples' lives, as I could not hear any more stories of trauma. Like you, I wanted to help people but the strain was wearing me down. I needed to find an alternative that allowed me to utilize my training, skills and experience as a therapist but allowed me to work with healthy people. I needed positive energy around me.

I read an article on coaching and instantly knew I had found what I wanted. I could work from home, surround myself with positive people...and travel while I worked--bonus! I immediately began to research the profession. I soon became overwhelmed with the enormous amount of information and the numerous training programs available. It took me several months to choose the training program best suited for me and to understand what the coaching profession was all about.

There was not much accurate information available on the differences between coaching and therapy and how to transition from therapist to coach. I was left to sort this out on my own. Having a guide like this would have cut down on my research time drastically. It also would have helped me make the transition from therapist to coach quicker."

Save Time Getting through the Information Maze

The amount of information available about coaching is expanding rapidly. Let’s take a look at coach training. Currently there are over 400 organizations (and that's a conservative estimate) offering coach training programs. Just over 200 of these coach training programs are accredited by the main coaching associations - and that's just counting programs with at least 100 hours of training! Only a handful of these training programs have been created specifically for therapists and helping professionals transitioning into coaching. It could take hours upon hours to research these programs.

The How to Become a Coach ebook package for Therapists and Counselors outlines the

  • distinctions and similarities between coaching and therapy,
  • advises on how to transition from therapist to coach,
  • explains the difference between accredited and non-accredited programs,
  • shows you where to find these coach training programs,
  • and how to choose the best training program for you.

Many of the free 'Question and Answer' or 'Introduction to Coaching' teleclasses available are slanted in favour of a particular training program. The "How To Become a Coach ebook package for Therapists and Counselors" is objective and provides all the information you need in one place to begin making the transition to coaching.

How This Guide Will Benefit You

The How to Become a Coach ebook was created so that prospective coaches could

  1. Make sense of the vast amount of information available on coach training and certification programs and choose the right school for them.
  2. Get an overall picture or view of what becoming a coach entails.
  3. To help you save time during the research process by giving links to essential resources that you need to know about.

Here's What One Master Coach Had to Say About the
"How to Become a Coach" ebook.

"As one of the first Master Certified Coaches in Canada I have many people contact me and ask me questions about the coaching profession.  Sue's ebook provides the answers to many of those questions.  I recommend anyone exploring the profession and deciding whether to become a coach to purchase Sue's ebook for their resource library.  I wish I had a book like this when I first became involved in the coaching profession.  It would have saved me a lot of time."
Teresia LaRocque, MCC
Teresia LaRocque Coaching and Associates
Vancouver, BC

Still Not Convinced?
Take a Look at the Sections in our Guide

  • Let's Talk Money
    How much do coaches really make? The internal game of money.

  • How to Determine if Coaching is the Best Career for You.

  • Coaching and Regulation
    Is coaching regulated?

  • Coach Training Programs
    Do you need it? How long does it take? How much does it cost? What to look for...

  • Certification
    What is it? Do you need it? Who offers it?

  • Self-Employment
    How do you prepare for it?

  • Building a Coaching Business
    An overview of what's involved so your eyes are open!

  • How Coaches Make Money
    This is the preview chapter in the Coach Starter Kit

  • 22 Additional Ways Coaches Make Money

  • Transitioning into Coaching
    Do I need to quit my job?
    (The answer is no by the way – you can build a practice on a part-time basis.)

  • 12 Ways to Meet Coaches

The How To Become a Coach ebook package for Therapists and Counselors is a comprehensive 90-page overview (74 pages if you exclude the Table of Contents, appendices, bio and cited sources) of the profession and business of coaching. In addition to the information presented many of the sections have a set of suggested exercises included in a separate 33-page workbook so that you can take action and find the answers you need for each topic.

Plus there is an online resource section with links to coaching associations, coach training programs, and business resources in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia.

You also get the Coaching Associations at a Glance report, which gives you an overview of the top dozen coaching associations. This comes in handy during the Coach Training and Certification chapters of the eBook.

Are you wondering if the information is old and dated? The ebook has been updated eight times since June 2001. The latest revision was released in September 2013.

But That's Not All... You Also Get

Addendum for Therapists and Counselors

Learn what works from a Therapist-turned-Coach. Juliet shares with you:

  • The difference between coaching and therapy.
  • How to determine if coaching is right for you.
  • The benefits of hiring a coach.
  • Do you need more training?
  • Accredited training programs designed for therapists.
  • Tips for transitioning from therapist to coach.

Plus... You Get These Bonuses...

As a special reward for taking immediate action, you will also receive these bonuses:

Bonus #1: Coach Training Program Online Sorter.

We compare each of the 100+ accredited coach training programs, which are offered in English, with respect to cost, length of time it takes to complete the program, the training format, and where it is offered. Using the Online Sorter you can narrow down the list of programs based on the parameters you choose. It took over 40 hours to find all the information for each program. How much time could this alone save you?


Bonus #2: "Becoming a Life Coach: 20 of Your Top Question Answered" eBook

For those who are just learning about coaching, this Intro eBook will answer questions such as: what is coaching, how does it differ from therapy and mentoring, can anybody be a coach? and many more. Twenty questions in total are answered.


Bonus #3: Tips from Coaches on Becoming a Coach

You're probably familiar with the saying "You don't need to reinvent the wheel."

See what fifteen coaches have to say about the profession of coaching. You'll learn what they know now that they wish they had known when researching the profession, their tips on choosing a coach training program and more.


Bonus #4: 5 Steps to an Ideal Career report

It could take days, months or even years to thoroughly examine your life and determine your passions, goals, and the perfect work for you. The "5 Steps to an Ideal Career that Aligns with your Lifestyle, Talents and Skills" is a quick way to get you started so you can see if coaching may be a career that is right for you.

Bonus #5: Receive Free Updates.

When the How to Become a Coach eBook, Addendum for Therapists, and Coach Training Program Online Sorter is updated, you'll get a copy of it. (As long as you stay on the update email list.)

This is a limited time offer as these bonuses could change.

But…I can figure this out myself.

You're right - you are an intelligent and resourceful person and you probably could figure most of this out on your own. But how long would it take you and how can you make sure your information is both complete and objective? We invite you to save yourself some time and buy this resource now for only $47. Act now!

100% Money Back Guarantee...

The How To Become a Coach for Therapists ebook package comes with a 30-day 100% money back guarantee.

If after reading the guide you are not completely satisfied, email us a copy of your receipt within 30 days of your purchase date and your money will be refunded in full.

Are you willing to invest $47 to get a comprehensive research guide on a profession that could potentially transform your career and sense of personal fulfillment? If you become a coach, the money you invest today will be paid back many times over.

We hope to hear from you today...

Sue Bond & Juliet Austin

P.S. The How To Become a Coach ebook package for Therapists & Counselors' is an ebook and is downloadable so you could start reading it in just 10 minutes.

How To Become a Coach Ebook for Therapists: ($47 US)

(Revised September 2013)

Here’s how to take the first step to saving you time and money…

When you click on the 'Get This Ebook Now' button for the How to Become a Coach ebook, you will be taken to a secure order page at Paypal via E-Junkie (our shopping cart). If you have a Paypal account you can log-in and submit the purchase. If you don't have a Paypal account you can pay by credit card.

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When you enter your purchase information on the secure credit card page at PayPal, it is only seen by PayPal and your credit card company. Your credit card information will be kept confidential and secure. You will receive a receipt and order number by email.

PayPal Option: You only have 5 minutes to enter your information at PayPal before it times out and you get an error message. On your credit card statement the purchase will appear as PayPal - Sue Bond Coaching.

Once your purchase is complete you need to click on the 'Complete Purchase' button. You'll be taken to a page and asked to enter your name and email. Click submit and you'll be taken to a page where you can immediately download the package and bonuses (in pdf format) and get started.

You will also receive an email that contains the website address for the download page, as well as the user name and password, so you can go back at any time. If you do not receive this within 10-15 minutes of ordering, please email support@suebond.com.

How To Become a Coach Ebook for Therapists: ($47 US)

(Revised September 2013)

Please note: This is a 'how to research the profession of coaching' ebook and does not give step-by-step instructions on 'how to build a coaching practice.'

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