Laura Berman Fortgang on the "Today Show"
Are you still wondering what coaching is or if coaching is the career for you?
On the Today Show (on April 6, 2006) life coach Laura Berman Fortgang was interviewed by Al Roker. The video is about 5 min. in length. If you wondered what coaching is, why people are seeking life coaches, or the difference between coaching and therapy - check this out.
Put me in (life) coach!
Al Roker interviews Laura Berman Fortgang.
Click on 'Launch' under Laura's picture to see the video (approx. 5 min.)
I'm not sure how long this video will be available so watch it soon!
If you're in a career rut check out Laura's book: Take Yourself to the Top: The Secrets of America's #1 Career Coach
Authour of the How to Become a Coach ebook
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